Craggs team assembled to fuel the latest film production at The Piece Hall
Craggs Energy’s Head Office is based in Halifax, West Yorkshire and this year excitement was buzzing around the valley as a Hollywood film crew descended on Halifax town centre’s beloved Piece Hall.
Multiple movie stars such as Samuel L Jackson and Emilia Clarke have previously featured in very popular films and tv shows such as Game of Thrones and the latest Marvel films. The new show which is being produced by Studio Grass-Fed Productions (UK), which has been connected to Marvel Studios, is believed to be producing a Marvel show called Secret Invasion. Craggs Energy was thrilled to have supplied the production with HVO Fuel – a 100% renewable alternative-diesel to power their generators.
What is HVO Fuel?
Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO) Fuel EN 15940 is a paraffinic diesel fuel, it’s FAME free, has a higher cetane number (70+), reduces AdBlue consumption and has excellent cold weather performance. Several Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) have approved HVO for use in heavy duty road vehicles, passenger cars and non-road vehicles. Craggs Energy has partnered with GBF Ltd to supply GD+ HVO Fuel – the cleanest alternative diesel on the market which has been supercharged with an engine-enhancing additive. With a quick snap of your fingers, you can speak to us about the infinite possibilities HVO Fuel can bring to your business! Visit our HVO page for more information or contact our team.